Instances of :Zone can have the following properties:
From class :Space | |||
dli:createdAt | rdf:Property | Time when the data is created | xsd:dateTime |
dli:createdBy | rdf:Property | Creator of and identity | xsd:string |
dli:data | rdf:Property | Data container | xsd:string |
dli:metadata | rdf:Property | Metadata container | xsd:string |
dli:name | rdf:Property | Name given to the Identity | xsd:string |
dli:updatedAt | rdf:Property | Time when the data is updated | xsd:dateTime |
dli:updatedBy | rdf:Property | Updater of an identity | xsd:string |
:additionalInformation | rdf:Property | Additional information | xsd:string |
:categorizationLocal | rdf:Property | Categorisation name given locally - Categorisation name given locally - Space type name derived from local categorization naming | xsd:string |
:categorizationOfficial | rdf:Property | Organization categorization given by official authority - Space type name derived from official categorization naming | xsd:string |
:descriptionGeneral | rdf:Property | Description of the case - Description of the organization - Description of the space - Description of the building element - Description of the real estate - Description of the building - Description of the device - Description of the room - Description of the storey | xsd:string |
:height | rdf:Property | Height of the space - Height of the element - Height of the building - Height of the device - Height of the object | xsd:decimal |
:idLocal | rdf:Property | Locally given identifier for the space - Locally given identifier for the storey - Local identifier (system identifier) | xsd:string |
:idOfficial | rdf:Property | Officially given identifier for the space in Finland - Officially given identifier for the space - Real estate identifier for the land in Finland | xsd:string |
:ifcGuid | rdf:Property | IFC standard based Globally Unique Identifier | xsd:string |
:sizeAreaFloor | rdf:Property | Area of the space | xsd:decimal |
:sizeAreaLiving | rdf:Property | Size of area suitable for, or used for, living - Size of area suitable for, or used for. living | xsd:decimal |
:sizeAreaLivingAudited | rdf:Property | Size of audited area suitable for, or used for, living | xsd:decimal |
:status | rdf:Property | Life cycle status of the building - Case state - Life cycle status | xsd:string |
:usageMain | rdf:Property | Main usage purpose | xsd:string |
:volume | rdf:Property | Volume of the space - Volume of the object - Volume of the element - Volume of the building - Volume of the device | xsd:decimal |
@prefix dli: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix pot: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix vs: <> .
pot:Zone a pot:Class ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy pot: ;
rdfs:subClassOf pot:Space ;
owl:versionInfo "DRAFT" ;
vs:term_status "unstable" ;
dli:comment [ rdfs:comment "Zone is an area that can be defined by coordinates and polygons or collection of other space types like apartments or rooms"@en-us ] ;
dli:label [ rdfs:label "Zone"@en-us ] .