{ "openapi": "3.0.1", "info": { "contact": { "email": "support@cozify.fi" }, "description": "This document describes the request and output parameters of multisensor dataproduct fetch.", "title": "Multisensor dataproduct", "version": "0.5" }, "components": { "schemas": { "DataProductParameters": { "description": "The standard request data for multisensor dataproduct fetch. See https://docs.oftrust.net/#broker-v1-fetch-data-product", "properties": { "timestamp": { "description": "Standard Platform of Trust timestamp field for dataproduct fetch", "type": "string" }, "productCode": { "description": "Product code of multisensor dataproduct", "enum": ["cozify-multisensor-product"], "type": "string" }, "parameters": { "description": "Parameters for user feedback fetch.", "properties": { "ids": { "description": "List of search IDs. Search IDs are JSON objects for which the structure may vary depending on the data source system. For Cozify Hub, IDs are simple string objects containing a GUID.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object" } }, "startTime": { "description": "Start time for the multisensor fetch. Returned measurements can not be older than this time. ISO8601 format, e.g. \"2021-06-16T08:02:14.3455+03:00\"", "type": "string" }, "endTime": { "description": "End time for the multisensor fetch. Returned measurements can not be newer than this time. ISO8601 format, e.g. \"2021-06-16T08:02:14.3455+03:00\"", "type": "string" }, "dataTypes": { "type": "array", "items": { "description": "List of measurement types to query data for.", "type": "string", "enum": ["CO2", "Humidity", "Temperature"] } } } } } }, "DataProductOutput": { "description": "The standard response data for multisensor dataproduct fetch. See https://docs.oftrust.net/#broker-v1-fetch-data-product", "properties": { "data": { "description": "The dataproduct specific response data for multisensor dataproduct fetch.", "properties": { "@context": { "description": "Standard Platform of Trust Context field", "type": "string" }, "items": { "description": "List of measurements for all sensors", "type": "array", "items": { "data": { "properties": { "timestamp": { "description": "Time for the user feedback. ISO8601 format, e.g. \"2021-06-16T08:02:14.3455+03:00\"", "type": "string" }, "value": { "description": "Exact value for given measurement.", "type": "number" }, "type": { "description": "Measurement type for given measurement.", "type": "string", "enum": [ "CO2", "Humidity", "Temperature" ] } } }, "id": { "description": "Identifier for sensor/measurement point. Always matches one of the search IDs given in DataProductParameters.", "type": "string" } } } } } } } } }, "paths": { "/broker/v1/fetch-data-product": { "post": { "description": "The standard Platform of Trust dataproduct fetch.", "requestBody": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataProductParameters" }, "example": { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T12:23:00.00+00:00", "productCode": "cozify-multisensor-product", "ids": [ "8012c6b7-d72c-4f41-9dd2-109d19d6732f", "00df9cf1-5869-417f-88e8-a5148761d2fc" ], "startTime": "2021-06-10T11:23:00.00+00:00", "endTime": "2021-06-10T12:23:00.00+00:00" } } } }, "responses": { "200": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DataProductOutput" }, "example": { "@context": "null", "signature": { "type": "RsaSignature2018", "created": "2021-06-16T08:11:16+00:00", "creator": "http://resources.cozify.fi/pot/cozify_pot_RS256.key.pub", "signatureValue": "I68+ur+da9IYB9JSj..." }, "data": { "@context": "https://standards.oftrust.net/contexts/at_data_product_link.jsonld", "items": [ { "data": [ { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:28:20.174215+00:00", "type": "Temperature", "value": 22.15 }, { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:35:20.174215+00:00", "type": "Temperature", "value": 22.45 }, { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:28:20.174215+00:00", "type": "CO2", "value": 422 }, { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:35:20.174215+00:00", "type": "CO2", "value": 430 }, { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:28:20.174215+00:00", "type": "Humidity", "value": 34.6 }, { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:35:20.174215+00:00", "type": "Temperature", "value": 35.3 } ], "id": "8012c6b7-d72c-4f41-9dd2-109d19d6732f" }, { "data": [ { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:28:20.174215+00:00", "type": "Temperature", "value": 21.25 }, { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:35:20.174215+00:00", "type": "Temperature", "value": 21.35 }, { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:28:20.174215+00:00", "type": "CO2", "value": 423 }, { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:35:20.174215+00:00", "type": "CO2", "value": 429 }, { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:28:20.174215+00:00", "type": "Humidity", "value": 33.6 }, { "timestamp": "2021-06-10T11:35:20.174215+00:00", "type": "Temperature", "value": 34.3 } ], "id": "00df9cf1-5869-417f-88e8-a5148761d2fc" } ] } } } } } } } } } }