Instances of :LimitedCompany can have the following properties:
From class :Organization | |||
dli:createdAt | rdf:Property | Time when the data is created | xsd:dateTime |
dli:createdBy | rdf:Property | Creator of and identity | xsd:string |
dli:data | rdf:Property | Data container | xsd:string |
dli:metadata | rdf:Property | Metadata container | xsd:string |
dli:name | rdf:Property | Name given to the Identity | xsd:string |
dli:updatedAt | rdf:Property | Time when the data is updated | xsd:dateTime |
dli:updatedBy | rdf:Property | Updater of an identity | xsd:string |
:categorizationOfficial | rdf:Property | Organization categorization given by official authority - Space type name derived from official categorization naming | xsd:string |
:descriptionGeneral | rdf:Property | Description of the case - Description of the organization - Description of the space - Description of the building element - Description of the real estate - Description of the building - Description of the device - Description of the room - Description of the storey | xsd:string |
:governmentPermanent | rdf:Property | Permanent identifier given by an official authority in Finland | xsd:string |
:ifcGuid | rdf:Property | IFC standard based Globally Unique Identifier | xsd:string |
:name | rdf:Property | Room name - Name given locally for the building element - Name of the organization - Name of the real estate - Name of the building - Name given locally for the device - Apartment name | xsd:string |
:status | rdf:Property | Life cycle status of the building - Case state - Life cycle status | xsd:string |
:taxVatCode | rdf:Property | Value-added taxation identifier | xsd:string |
@prefix dli: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix pot: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix vs: <> .
pot:LimitedCompany a pot:Class ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy pot: ;
rdfs:subClassOf pot:Organization ;
owl:versionInfo "DRAFT" ;
vs:term_status "unstable" ;
dli:comment [ rdfs:comment "The liability of members or subscribers of the company is limited to what they have invested or guaranteed to the company. Limited companies may be limited by shares or by guaratee. The former may be further divided in public companies and private companies. Who may become a member of a private limited company is restricted by law and by the company's rules. In contrast, anyone may buy shares in a public limited company."@en-us ] ;
dli:label [ rdfs:label "Limited Company"@en-us ] .