:Building leaf node






Building is structure composed of elements (walls, roof, floor) and devices and typically has permanent location

Superclasses (1)


Instances of :Building can have the following properties:

From class :Building
dli:createdAt rdf:Property Time when the data is created xsd:dateTime
dli:createdBy rdf:Property Creator of and identity xsd:string
dli:data rdf:Property Data container xsd:string
dli:metadata rdf:Property Metadata container xsd:string
dli:name rdf:Property Name given to the Identity xsd:string
dli:updatedAt rdf:Property Time when the data is updated xsd:dateTime
dli:updatedBy rdf:Property Updater of an identity xsd:string
:areaSquareMeterFloorNet rdf:Property Net square meters of floor space/area xsd:decimal
:areaSquareMeterLivingNet rdf:Property Living space net square meters xsd:decimal
:completionMomentYear rdf:Property Completion year of the building xsd:gYear
:cultureHistorySignificance rdf:Property Categorization if building is culturally significant xsd:string
:descriptionGeneral rdf:Property Description of the case - Description of the organization - Description of the space - Description of the building element - Description of the real estate - Description of the building - Description of the device - Description of the room - Description of the storey xsd:string
:height rdf:Property Height of the space - Height of the element - Height of the building - Height of the device - Height of the object xsd:decimal
:idOfficialPermanent rdf:Property Permanent identifier given officially to the building in Finland xsd:string
:idOfficialTemporary rdf:Property Temporary identifier given officially to the building in Finland xsd:string
:idSystemLocal rdf:Property Local system identifier. xsd:string
:ifcGuid rdf:Property IFC standard based Globally Unique Identifier xsd:string
:inaugurationMomentYear rdf:Property Inauguration year of the building xsd:gYear
:inspectionMomentYear rdf:Property Inspection year of the building xsd:gYear
:name rdf:Property Room name - Name given locally for the building element - Name of the organization - Name of the real estate - Name of the building - Name given locally for the device - Apartment name xsd:string
:status rdf:Property Life cycle status of the building - Case state - Life cycle status xsd:string
:volume rdf:Property Volume of the space - Volume of the object - Volume of the element - Volume of the building - Volume of the device xsd:decimal


@prefix dli: <https://standards.lifeengine.io/v1/Vocabulary/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix pot: <https://standards.oftrust.net/v1/Vocabulary/> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix vs: <http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#> .

pot:Building a pot:Class ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy pot: ;
    rdfs:subClassOf dli:BuiltEnvironment ;
    owl:versionInfo "DRAFT" ;
    vs:term_status "unstable" ;
    dli:comment [ rdfs:comment "Building is structure composed of elements (walls, roof, floor) and devices and typically has permanent location"@en-us ] ;
    dli:label [ rdfs:label "Building"@en-us ] .