:Room leaf node






Room is any space enclosed within four walls to which entry is possible only by a door that connects it either to a passageway to another room, or to the outdoors, that is large enough for several persons to move about, and whose size, fixtures, furnishings, and sometimes placement within the building support the activity to be conducted in it.

Superclasses (1)


Instances of :Room can have the following properties:

From class :Room
dli:createdAt rdf:Property Time when the data is created xsd:dateTime
dli:createdBy rdf:Property Creator of and identity xsd:string
dli:data rdf:Property Data container xsd:string
dli:metadata rdf:Property Metadata container xsd:string
dli:name rdf:Property Name given to the Identity xsd:string
dli:updatedAt rdf:Property Time when the data is updated xsd:dateTime
dli:updatedBy rdf:Property Updater of an identity xsd:string
:additionalInformation rdf:Property Additional information xsd:string
:carbonDioxide rdf:Property Carbon dioxide level of the room xsd:decimal
:categorizationLocal rdf:Property Categorisation name given locally - Categorisation name given locally - Space type name derived from local categorization naming xsd:string
:categorizationOfficial rdf:Property Organization categorization given by official authority - Space type name derived from official categorization naming xsd:string
:descriptionGeneral rdf:Property Description of the case - Description of the organization - Description of the space - Description of the building element - Description of the real estate - Description of the building - Description of the device - Description of the room - Description of the storey xsd:string
:height rdf:Property Height of the space - Height of the element - Height of the building - Height of the device - Height of the object xsd:decimal
:idLocal rdf:Property Locally given identifier for the space - Locally given identifier for the storey - Local identifier (system identifier) xsd:string
:idOfficial rdf:Property Officially given identifier for the space in Finland - Officially given identifier for the space - Real estate identifier for the land in Finland xsd:string
:ifcGuid rdf:Property IFC standard based Globally Unique Identifier xsd:string
:name rdf:Property Room name - Name given locally for the building element - Name of the organization - Name of the real estate - Name of the building - Name given locally for the device - Apartment name xsd:string
:nameAdditional rdf:Property Lisänimi tai käyttäjäystävällinen nimi (lempinimi, käyttönimi, kutsumanimi). - Addional name or user friendly name (nickname, calling name). xsd:string
:presence rdf:Property Presence of a specific object in the room xsd:Boolean
:quantity rdf:Property Quantity of specific objects in the room xsd:decimal
:sizeAreaFloor rdf:Property Area of the space xsd:decimal
:sizeAreaLiving rdf:Property Size of area suitable for, or used for, living - Size of area suitable for, or used for. living xsd:decimal
:sizeAreaLivingAudited rdf:Property Size of audited area suitable for, or used for, living xsd:decimal
:status rdf:Property Life cycle status of the building - Case state - Life cycle status xsd:string
:temperature rdf:Property Temperature of the room xsd:decimal
:usageMain rdf:Property Main usage purpose xsd:string
:volume rdf:Property Volume of the space - Volume of the object - Volume of the element - Volume of the building - Volume of the device xsd:decimal


@prefix dli: <https://standards.lifeengine.io/v1/Vocabulary/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix pot: <https://standards.oftrust.net/v1/Vocabulary/> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix vs: <http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#> .

pot:Room a pot:Class ;
    rdfs:isDefinedBy pot: ;
    rdfs:subClassOf dli:BuiltEnvironment ;
    owl:versionInfo "DRAFT" ;
    vs:term_status "unstable" ;
    dli:comment [ rdfs:comment "Room is any space enclosed within four walls to which entry is possible only by a door that connects it either to a passageway to another room, or to the outdoors, that is large enough for several persons to move about, and whose size, fixtures, furnishings, and sometimes placement within the building support the activity to be conducted in it."@en-us ] ;
    dli:label [ rdfs:label "Room"@en-us ] .